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Friday, November 14, 2008


I had IS lessons today. COMT & IAC.
Man I've been very meticulous with my IS work.

Since It's easy to score if you're consistent.

Not to say I'm a big dreamer, but an A is what I'm expecting.

My Seniors have got AD for it before & I know it's possible.

So far my teacher has been giving me the thumb's up fer IAC.

One more week till IAC presentation and no more IAC.
Hopefully the presentation will be perfect!

Anyway, for today's blog entry I'll like to talk about...


The Akatsuki kanji means daybreak, breaking down the word itself gives us "aka" meaning red (a common color in the group) and "tsuki" meaning moon. This Organization is a collection of S-Ranked(Super Duper Strong) criminals from the Naruto anime series. Each one of them have their own unique powers which make them Elite Ninjas of their kind.

And i think their way cooool. Although their objective is world domination, I love it that they use each one's ability to their greatest extent and also work as a team to achieve their goals.

The image above is of Akatsuki with 11 members, including Orochimaru.
Akatsuki Fans are welcome to grab that picture for your wallpaper or something.
But PLEASE give credits back to this webby or to me.
It wasn't easy to edit that picture (Hi, photoshop noob here).

Scenario on how to give credits;-

A: "Woah! kewl
Akatsuki wallpaper dude! Where'd you get it from?!!"
B: "Thank you, sexy ain't it? I got it from Selvam! you can also get it from his blog~"
A: "OHHH. OKAY! Thanks dude!"

That's all for today. It's just a little peak of what I truly love, Akatsuki.
Hope you enjoyed reading :D

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've got a dog.

Dear Diary,

It's day 13 of the daily blog posting month.
Truth is, I'm seriously die-ing.
Today I adopted a Bijuu.
I shall call him Shukaku.
(Oh wait, that is his real name -.-)

He's a monster from Naruto.
He controls sand and does amazing stuff with it.
Unfortunately Gaara got him first,
So I can't be his real owner. (darn it!)

You can adopt him and his 8 other friends here!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's my Wednesday.

If you didn't know, today's Wednesday
I won't bother explaining what I did today,
but I have to blog about something.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We say games are fun.

It's still E-learning week,
So I didn't have lessons today.
Instead I came to school to accompany Andra and Fifi.
Tuesday's tradition of meet ups will always be :D

I crashed one of their afternoon lectures, & I must say.
There is an obvious difference from Year 1 & 3 lecture systems.
Apparently only 15 people turned up for that particular lecture.

There he goes, happily teaching.

Fifi playing PSP

The DJ Max fever has swept across people of all courses.
Everyone seems to be crazy about it these days.
That was my Tuesday, briefly.
& I'm glad I didn't stay home.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Im a black dot.

Okay, problem solved.
People apologized.
Post deleted.
End of story.

But that doesn't mean the broken friendships will be reunited.
Just so you know.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sundays with ah huay.

Its a Sunday.
Okay, So how was my day.

I had Tao Huay.
It was sweet.
& liked it.

Have I ever mentioned how much I like Chinese Deserts?
Oh yes I do...
My favourite would be the Cheng Teng @ Canteen 3.
I tell you ah, It's the best Cheng Teng in the world.
It beats the one @ Canteen 1 flat.

I love Cheng Teng
& she loves me back.

Okay, thats all.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bishy bashy.


Finally you're 18 and no longer same age as me.
Hope you enjoyed today and contented with the big cake.

Work hard for what you want and never give up!
You've been given the chance, so use it well!
Jia you!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Online learning, thats what they call it.

Today's E-learning day.
Its suppose to be less stressful then school days.
Read carefully, "supposed to be".
Apparently I just managed to complete all my work fer the day.
Tough day ill say. No wonder its called E-Learning day.
Stole my whole darn day.

COMT - Done
IAC - Done

E-Learning week next week.
I hope the next 9 days wont be tough like this.
Then again, It's times like this which make you appreciate school days much more.

A short flash film for you;
Click the picture to view!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Its Thursday.
Since tomorrow is E-Learning day and the next week being E-learning week,
I've got 10 days of break man.
That's great I'll say, I've been in dire need of some time-out.

I'm still aching from gym-ing on Tuesday.
Guess four weeks of absence from the gym makes Selv a sore boy.
I hope I'll be able to gym more often, to get the strength that I desire.
And then to prove some people wrong.

There were the times when some people said;
"Without strength, You're nothing"
Being part of a performing sport, I learnt that it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter what you are right now, but what you wanna be.
I will make my impact, just you watch old friend.

Thursday spells Maths-With-Koh-Yet-Ling.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Fuck maths

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A tribute

Its been sometime, since you left us.
With great memories of who you were and what you gave to us.
Not only a great coach, but a good friend to many as well.
Sometimes fate is not in our favour.

Somethings which just have to forgive and forget.

We are what we are today, cause of you.

And that's something that will never change.

Thank you for everything.
For believing in me & giving me a chance.

I appreciate it & I will always remember you.

By the way,
Woohoo!, Salutes to you!

Poor McCain, stop staring.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My Tuesday's have now become, 'Lunchtime with Andra and Fifi'
& there is no way I complain about how shagged early morning lessons make me.
I'm like dead serious. I woke up in the bus back home, only to find myself in Outram.
And then I've got classes the next day @ 8am.
Good fer me.

I so need one of theseeeeee.

Er, maybe not the $1 one...
Oh! American election results out tomorrow, wonder who will win =/

Monday, November 3, 2008


Happy Birthday Andra!

Finally you're 20, with so much behind you.
Few more months to go and your dream will find it's end.
But as we all know,

"This is not the end,
it's just the beginning"

Thanks for helping me out, from the smallest matters.
And for being the listening ear, always.
From the first day we talked on the MRT, till now.
You've never disappointed me and I know you never will.
Thanks for being a great friend.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Roborovski with no name.

Hello once again.
Its day 2 of the daily posting month.
And I know just what to blog about, My hamster!

He's a White-Faced Roborovski & he does'nt have a name.
I bought him together with 2 other similar once.
But they are happily running around hamster heaven.
I do love him loads tho.

Did you know that Roborvoski's are the world's smallest and fastest.
Also they originated from the Gobi Desert, throughout Mongolia and parts of northern China.

That's abstract art you know.

Check out this video of an Britney impersonator.
She's hot I tell you.